Monday, December 4, 2017

Double Bluff

Double Bluff is everyone's favorite walking spot.  We take our dogs for a run, watch for Rainier, judge how much the hill has slipped and hope children don't climb the bluff while we are watching.
It's also a draw at any time for the changing light.  I have sketched it a lot, but the most memorable was on a freezing February when the sun was around behind the bluff at about 2pm.  I decided to drive by because it was a "sunny day", freezing but sunny.  I took out my sketchbook and made a 20-minute sketch with watercolor noting the light reflections on the great puddle, then went home and made a larger painting.  That painting is in Watercolor and is at the bottom of this page.  The others are oil paintings.
The dog walk at Double Bluff or Pick up Stix

Sm 8x10 on canvas showing the bright light we get here.

From the bluffs on the way to the beach- oil - sold

Mt Rainier and the Fort.  Hottest day every and
early days of my oil painting career

16x20 framed Watercolor of Winter Sun reflection
 on the beach.

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