It seems like all sketchers are looking for that perfect setup, inclusive of every color we like, small enough to travel, and easy to setup on location so we don't overwhelm our host by taking up too much space. After all sketching is small compared to making art on a 1/4 or half sheet. It is a way I use to hone my visual skills, improve my drawing and capture the color I see before it changes and to remember that place and time.
I use palettes; they are business card size (2.25x3.5') and have small metal pans that attach to a magnetic surface; moving colors into or out of the case is easy. I have set up two of these palettes (with another waiting in the wings in case I go tropical?) I revise these small palettes as necessary to make many beautiful colors or when we travel.
My current color setup is a variation of colors that
Liz Steel and
Jane Blundell have listed in their online classes. The reason I say variation is because, just like these sketching giants, I just can't live without Holbein, Jaune Brillant. It acts like white with a hint of flesh color and doesn't deaden or flatten color like white.
Please leave a comment on your favorite sketch supplies and colors.
SILVER PALETTE left top to right. Indian Yellow; QSienna; Greengold stick; olive green crayon; Indanthrone Blue; Maroon Perylene (graham); Perylene green. Daniel Smith unless specified. Bottom row: White; Buff; Q violet; Q pink.
Top row: JauneBrillant (HBC) Naples yellow; Winsor yellow; Q gold tube; Transparent Yellow Oxide; WN Scarlet; Perylene Crimson.
Bottom: Cerulean Blu hue; Burnt Sienna; Ultramarine (cobalt blue & sepia below); Thalo Blue and Thalo green; Permanent Rose; (DS) Sap green & Indian red (WN).
Business card with contact info on back. |